Importing Question

I have a question regarding updating notes/notetypes when importing a deck. For reference, I am running 24.06.3, QT 5.

I was reading the Anki manual regarding this, but am hoping to get a bit more clarification.

If I am importing a deck with the same notetype as one that I have, and I select “never” under the Update Notetypes option within the import options, what will happen if the new deck actually had changes in the notetype?

Will Anki recognize this and categorize them as a new notetype? Or will it still show up under the same notetype, except some of the cards have different fields? By extension, if I choose not to “Update Notes” but a matching note is imported, will it just create a duplicate?

Thank you for any info you can provide! I appreciate your time.

Nothing. The note type won’t be updated and the notes will be imported into either a different note type or the same note type depending on the changes you made (schema vs non-schema) and the merge note types toggle.

I am not sure I get this question, particularly what is being referred as “them”. Make sure you understand the terminology well. See Getting Started - Anki Manual.

If I’m not wrong though, I already answered it.

It’ll skip those notes (if the first field matches I think).

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