"Ignore reviews before"-setting sometimes lost during syncing

I use the “Ignore reviews before”-setting to have FSRS ignore the older part of my review history. What I have noticed a bug, that under some circumstances, this setting doesn’t get synced or gets reset.


  1. During a full sync, no matter what is pushed to ankiweb, the date will reset to 1970/1/1.
  2. Sometimes, a value will just outright not appear on AnkiDroid (though I don’t know where it happens). Might also be a bug with AnkiDroid, but I currently cannot check.

Reproducing the first condition

  1. Change the “Ignore reviews before” value in the settings of a group.
  2. Sync with ankiweb
  3. Force oneway sync from ankiweb, replacing the local state.
  4. Setting has reset.

Anki Version

Version ⁨24.04.1 (ccd9ca1a)⁩
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1


Field Value
OS Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Version 10.0.22631 build 22631
Model Surface Pro 9
System Type x64-based PC
Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-1255U、2600 Mhz、10 cores、12 logical processors

AnkiDroid 2.17 doesn’t support the “ignore reviews before” setting. It is supported in 2.18 alphas.

However, if you optimize the parameters on Desktop and don’t touch the FSRS settings on AnkiDroid 2.17, this should not cause any problems.

I am not sure why the setting is being reset on one-way sync.

I’m running the latest alpha of AnkiDroid.

The first problem listed happens with only syncing data from/to ankiweb on the same device.

I’ll push an AnkiWeb update in the next few days that will likely fix this.


Thank you very much! I’m looking forward to it!