If you criticize AnkiDroid, the developers will block you

[BUG]: String of review count at bottom of deck picker screen overflows · Issue #14641 · ankidroid/Anki-Android (github.com)

Me: This is an early-alpha type of bug. The fact that it has not been fixed since last year is crazy

“I’ll reconsider this issue.” Take your time :joy:

AnkiDroid Dev: Blocked

No wonder why AnkiDroid is so buggy. Rather than fix anything they just block people who bring up bugs :joy:

But seriously, how can you make an app where the text just flows off the screen and is unreadable, then not call it a priority for a year. Then have the audacity to tell the user to fix it themselves :thinking:

I wish I could have bought the iOS version, rather than donate to AnkiDroid. Money down the drain


I think you could be a bit more polite here. The maintainers are busy doing other things too. By the way, I recently bought up an issue about removing distractions from the app and one maintainer told me I don’t do the ‘real’ kind of study and optimising for such users isn’t a priority because they are not studying at the first place! That’s my bad experience.

But my issue eventually got resolved. Someone else submitted a PR and it got merged. The best you can do is be humble and resilient, or if you can, work on it yourself.


If you came into my office to pointlessly mock and insult my work – I’d block you too! The volunteers who make AnkiDroid for you shouldn’t have to tolerate that kind of rudeness, from you or anyone else. It’s not asking too much to expect that you behave like a grown-up when you’re in their workplace. If you’re not able to do that, they are entitled to shut you out.

You weren’t actually asking for help with anything there – and you’re not asking for help here either, just looking for a place to complain, I guess? About what though? People not being nice enough to you after you’re rude them? People you are disrespectful towards losing respect for you? Best of luck on your search for sympathy. Since the folks who frequent these Forums are already well-acquainted with your attitude and tone, I think it’s unlikely you’ll find a groundswell of support here.


You are the rudeness person I have ever talked to on the internet and I have told you multiple times to leave me alone. Why do you keep coming back? You know I do not want anything to do with you or your rude responses.

I would ask you to elaborate how not being able to see text is pointless, but I would rather you just went away forever.

I couldn’t have been more polite. Even typed emojis and everything

“one maintainer told me I don’t do the ‘real’ kind of study”

Yeah, a lot of the people here and there are on their high horse and don’t even use the app to study, so they really have no idea and are living in their own little bubble world :person_shrugging:

Even Anki Desktop is janky. I can’t remember the last time I could open it properly without having to go to the task manager to kill the instance

The AnkiDroid developers are practically working for free (yes, they get donations but the amount is too less to compensate their time). So, we can’t really complain about the pace of development. Rather, we should thank them for whatever they have provided us with. Anyway, the app works very well except for a few bugs.

I get your frustration about not being able to read the complete text but the issue is not a top priority issue. They will eventually fix the issue but you will have to wait until someone volunteers to fix it.


Seeing text is a fundamentally basic necessity for any app, and AnkiDroid is the only app I have ever seen this problem

Because they are volunteering, their work has no deadline and there is no obligation to do hard work to improve the app.

Basically programmers are well paid jobs (plus AnkiDorid developers are proficient and one of them is a Google employee), so if you want to personally ask a developer to do a simple task, I think you need to pay them at least $200 (per task). If not, advanced flattery is necessary.



This issue doesn’t look like a blocker that should be fixed immediately.
I believe the developers have more important and interesting (as they work for free) things to do first.


“you need to pay them at least $200 (per task). If not, advanced flattery is necessary.”

And AnkiDorid sounds interesting I’ll give it a try

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Yeah, text overflowing off the screen.

Inserting a br, $200

For clarity: I blocked you. You’re the ONLY user who has been blocked and should probably use this as an opportunity to question your behaviour.

You were warned and given the opportunity to contribute positively (via a pull request) and you decided to respond with further snark.

I’ll happily unblock you if you plan on contributing positively in future.


For context: I have a couple YouTube channels. I have gotten death threats and whatnot because I didn’t like something that someone else liked.

How many people have I blocked? Zero. I didn’t block anyone ever because I have thick skin, something that you need to work on, especially in a professional setting.

You agreed with my post, and I agreed back. (Actually you may have just got hurt feelings. Again, work on taking criticism and maybe AnkiDroid will become usable in the future.)

You then told me to fix the problem myself.

Do not ever unblock me, because I do not want to communicate with any of the pretentious people there anymore. Everyone is way too thickheaded.

I could just make another account in a minute anyway. I don’t know what you think you accomplish by doing that.

Get off your high horse and learn to take criticism.

your comment on that issue was “lol haha, the bug is still there!!”
what is anyone supposed to do with that? do you think you provided any value to the community or the ankidroid project with that comment?


No different from me walking into an empty room and talking to myself. I didn’t expect anyone to even see it, honestly

david saw your comment the same day and responded to it in (what i believe to be) a nice way. very different from what some other people in OSS would have done.
if you cant control yourself, then someone else does it for you. you dont really have to be a part of the project if you dont feel like it.


“if you can’t control yourself”

lmfao I’m dead. I’m on the wrong board :joy:

Well, enjoy my 50 bucks. Use it to insert a br in the string

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If you do not prefer to provide either unrefusable money or sweet compliments, I recommend that you learn programming.
No one will complain when you provide good source code for solving problems instead of criticism, arguments, or ideas (developers like source code so they can’t refuse that bribe), and even if they do you can develop your own fork. That’s why I do development.


I’m busy with my own 2 jobs and studying :confused:


Why don’t you fix it yourself then?
Devs don’t owe you a thing …

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