I'd love help to understand a string

I’ve got one question. It probably does not matter, unless I seriously misunderstand something.

Why is there months and years entries?
My understanding is that the statistics-card corresponds to the time you spent reviewing today.
Even considering a 25 hours streak the very day where there is winter time saving, you’d get at most one day and one hours of review in a single day.
So why did you create the theoretically possible to have the string “Studied 2 years today” ?

Admittedly, I’d be able to edit the database so that this string appears. But it’s not like something you’d have to care for.


It’s for aliens doing Anki while traveling near the speed of light :laughing:
I don’t think there’s any reason for that.


We have a utility in the code that determines the appropriate unit for a given amount of seconds, and this is used in multiple strings. It was easier to re-use that than add special logic for this case.


Admittedly, I would have expected that it’d be more works for all translators, and probably confusing work. But yeah, it makes sense from a programming point of view

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