I’m not sure how long this is going to take me to get through them all. Probably over a year. I’m not studying for any exams just refreshing my memory for pleasure. I’ve tried several options to show new cards before reviewed which has not worked. The learned and reviewed cards keep coming back to the top after a few days. Anyone have any ideas how to make this work on all my devices?
I think a plan like this will work for you too:
When I try to make a filtered deck using “custom study” and hit okay nothing happens. Can’t find the Custom Study Deck anywhere in the browser?? Sorry I am a newbie
I created the custom study session by using the last tab Study by card state or tag then All cards in random order. However, the custom study session only has 100 cards? How do I increase that number or keep track when I finish these and move on to the next?
I think I’m getting closer. I was able to build the custom Study Deck but it maxes out at 10K. I have 15K cards. Do you have any recommendations to encompass all the cards or know which ones I’ve seen after I get through all 10k? Very much appreciated!!!
The links I posted in that thread answered a lot of your questions, so hopefully you read them.
Custom Study and Filtered deck make the same thing, but one you choose from a menu and the other you set up manually – which is also explained at the links.
15K cards is a lot more than 3K cards! The easiest thing to do is built another Filtered deck, just like the first one, to grab the rest of the cards. [If you ignore the directions I wrote, and try to build a Custom Study instead, it will replace the one you currently have. I suggested a Filtered deck for a reason.]
You’ll have to build both decks and then not rebuild them, because you’ve got reschedule-based-on turned off, and there won’t be any indication on the cards which ones you’ve gone through.
Thanks for your help and patience. This program is very complicated with a tremendous learning curve. I’ve read the thread that you’ve sent multiple times as well as the Anki instructions manual and am stuck once again. I’ve created a filtered deck and went into browse and typed in “deck:01 Crack the Core 2022” which pulls up the deck. However, I don’t know what to do at this point?? There is no Build button (as written in the instructions) to make a filtered deck…
I’m not sure if I understood your problem correctly. As I understand it you want to see only new cards and no reviews until you’ve seen all 3000.
I think you could just go to Deck Options and set the max reviews to 0 (there will be a warning that you should leave it at 10x your new cards max, just ignore that)
Hope that helps!
Ok. I’m finally getting there. Whew! Just a couple questions. I built a filtered deck which has the same number of cards as the original deck 15000. The filtered deck, however, says 9999 due. Does this mean that it only will show mw 9999 of 15000? I tried creating a second filtered deck, however, I have no idea how to determine and select the original cards after 9999 to move them into a second filtered deck??
Need a little clarification. You mentioned “grab” the rest of the cards not sure if I did this right.
I have a little over 15k cards and trying to split into 2 filtered lists. Steps I used to make a filtered deck 1 were…
-Used the search to choose in browser and highlighted half of the cards and hit enter.
-Under the filter I put a limit to 7500 cards selected by Random.
When the Filtered Deck 1 was created it doesn’t match the 7500 cards I highlighted in the Search Browser.
Again, I am trying to build 2 Filtered lists to incorporate 1/2 of 15k cards (7500 in each) without redundancy.
Am I doing something wrong?
I guess the easiest way is to select half of your cards in the browser, tag them all with something like “custom_study_one” and tag the other half “custom_study_two”.
Then you can create two separate filtered decks, one for each tag.
I think this works!! I can’t find any issues so far. Thank you!!!
I don’t understand what you mean by this step. You can test your search filter in the Browse window, but you can’t build the filtered deck from there. Highlighting/selecting cards in Browse doesn’t do anything here.
You build the Filtered deck by going to Tools/Anki > Create Filtered Deck. Paste your search filter, choose your options, and click Build.
After you build deck 1 with 10K cards – those 10K cards are not available to put in another Filtered deck, so when you build deck 2 with the same filter, it will only be able to pull the cards that are left.
Then you can create two separate filtered decks, one for each tag.
The tags aren’t necessary unless it matters to you which Filtered deck specific cards are built into.
I think you could just go to Deck Options and set the max reviews to 0
As far as studying from the main deck with daily reviews disabled – That will work, but only if all the cards are New. Are they?
However you won’t be able to study them without grading them, and they will all be scheduled for a new due date (even if you ignore that date).
Thank you for the answers Danika!! You are a jedi knight. Appreciate everyone’s help!!
I wishi had seen your question earlier. I just noticed this part of your question. That is the whole point of Anki. To incrementally increase the frequency of when you will see the card again.
I’d suggest just you simply go to the deck options and make a few changes there.
Set the new cards per day really high (if you only will study 50 new cards a day, then set it at 50.
Set new cards gather order to random (I think you said you wanted to see the cards randomly)
Set new/review order to show before reviews (new cards will be on top)
Set the FSRS desired retention to 0.7 (basically telling Anki you don’t want to learn them very well which will increase the interval for reviews)
I believe these settings would do what you want without needing to keep rebuilding decks.
Please understand that the cards you already reviewed will keep appearing. The program was built on that principle.
Thank you very much. Great info.
Just saw this addon. I think it does what you want.