I’ve just tried HyperTTS to add sound to my cards. It works fine, but the beginning of the text is cut off. The audio starts not at the beginning but some letters later. I found the audio files on my computer and same here. It is a problem with the generation of the audio files, not with a delay while playing the sound.
Is there an option to avoid this?
Thank you for any help in advance!
There is a report about it, try the proposed solutions
- One thing you could try is to insert a short SSML pause at the the sound, use a regex replacement to replace ^ with and check whether that changes anything
Beginning of generated audio seems to be cut off in certain cases · Issue #61 · Vocab-Apps/anki-hyper-tts · GitHub
- Regenerating the audio with a different TTS provider
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Thank you.
I tried adding the pause, but some providers (Amazon, VocalWave, Watson) don’t accept requests with the replacement and answer with 400 - Bad Request.
Azure works.
But then I played around with my cards a bit and found out that the reason for my problem was my Bluetooth headphones. Otherwise, everything works fine, for example, when using a USB connection.