How to stick a video into the card

How can I put a video in the card to play it directly, (No GIF)
I don’t like the anki emergent tab to play videos

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Embedding a video into a card is a difficult task as it is advanced.
(It is possible, but you will not be able to play the video on your mobile device.)

This add-on makes Anki’s video player a bit more comfortable.

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Can you do that??

This add-on convert local video on PC and embed it in the card.

  1. Save the video to your PC
  2. Copy video to clipboard
  3. Select a field on the Anki card
  4. Right click
  5. Insert clipboad as video

The video is converted to “mp4 → webm”, so it cannot be displayed on mobile devices.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: thanks

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The method was tested on desktop and ankidroid.
It is necessary to have two fields for one video.
One is used in the template. The second is necessary so that ANKI does not delete the video.
{{Video}} = name.webm
{{Video Sound}} = [sound:name.webm]

In the template:
<video src="{{Video}}" playsinline autoplay onclick="this.currentTime=0;"></video>

Addon:Watch Foreign Language Movies with Anki

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The another option was better to me

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