May 24, 2024, 12:44pm
I want to place an element at the bottom of a card using this code:
.testElement {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0px;
It works in Anki Desktop, but in Anki Mobile the element doesn’t go all the way to the bottom:
This is because there is a 114px bottom-inset, which is set by the --bottom-inset
variable inside the html tag:
<html class="iphone ios mobile" style="--top-inset: 0px; --bottom-inset: 114px;">
I tried overwriting the variable and changing the inset directly to 0px, but it has no effect:
:root {
--bottom-inset: 0px !important;
inset: 0px !important;
Even though the values are updated, the inset is still there. Is there a way to get rid of the inset?
May 24, 2024, 2:03pm
I have no IOS, so I can’t tinker around. An idea would be, to change the styling by JavaScript when the document reached the “interactive” or “completed” readyState.
Like that:
function SetBottomInset()
if (document.readyState === 'completed')
document.querySelector('iphone ios mobile').style.--bottom.inset = '0px';
setTimeout(SetBottomInset, 99)
May 25, 2024, 4:02am
May 25, 2024, 2:21pm
Thanks for your help, but that didn’t work. --bottom-inset
gets overwritten, but the inset still remains. This is my script:
var htmlElement = document.querySelector("")
var testElement = document.getElementById("testID")
testElement.innerHTML = "Initial values: <br/>" +
"--bottom-inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("--bottom-inset") + "<br/>" +
"html.inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("inset") + "<br/><br/>"
function SetBottomInset() {
if (document.readyState === "complete") {"--bottom.inset", "0px");
// For testing purposes"background", "red");
testElement.innerHTML = testElement.innerHTML +
"Updated values: <br/>" +
"--bottom-inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("--bottom-inset") + "<br/>" +
"html.inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("inset")
else {
setTimeout(SetBottomInset(), 99)
And this is the result:
For those who are interested, here is the full html code of the card as it is rendered in Anki Mobile:
<html class="iphone ios mobile" style="--top-inset: 0px; --bottom-inset: 0px;">
<meta name="viewport" id="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=10,user-scalable=1">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="res/web/css/reviewer.css">
<script src="res/web/js/vendor/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="res/web/js/mathjax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="res/web/js/vendor/mathjax/tex-chtml.js"></script>
<script src="/_anki/js/vendor/mathjax/input/tex/extensions/noerrors.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script src="/_anki/js/vendor/mathjax/input/tex/extensions/mathtools.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script src="/_anki/js/vendor/mathjax/input/tex/extensions/mhchem.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
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/* may need to be browser-specific */
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/* Konqueror */
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margin: 4px 3px;
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color: GrayText
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background-color: #606872;
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outline: none
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position: relative;
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-webkit-box-shadow: none;
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.CtxtMenu_SelectionItem {
padding-right: 1em;
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<body class="card card1 ">
<div id="qa" style="opacity: 0;">
@import url("__closet-0.6.1.css");
@import url("_editor_button_styles.css");
.card {
font-family: arial;
font-size: 20px;
text-align: left;
color: black;
background-color: white;
.card, #qa {
transform: none;
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
.testElement {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0px;
</style>Text Text Text
<div style="background: green; color: white; width: 100%; height: 100px; font-size: 10px;" class="testElement"
id="testID">Initial values: <br>--bottom-inset = 114px<br>html.inset = auto<br><br>Updated values:
<br>--bottom-inset = 0px<br>html.inset = auto</div>
var htmlElement = document.querySelector("")
var testElement = document.getElementById("testID")
testElement.innerHTML = "Initial values: <br/>" +
"--bottom-inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("--bottom-inset") + "<br/>" +
"html.inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("inset") + "<br/><br/>"
function SetBottomInset() {
if (document.readyState === "complete") {"--bottom-inset", "0px");
// For testing purposes
//"background", "red");
testElement.innerHTML = testElement.innerHTML +
"Updated values: <br/>" +
"--bottom-inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("--bottom-inset") + "<br/>" +
"html.inset = " + getComputedStyle(htmlElement).getPropertyValue("inset")
else {
setTimeout(SetBottomInset(), 99)
var htmlContent = document.documentElement.outerHTML
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<div id="htmlCodeContainer" style="
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background: #f9f9f9;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
margin-top: 20px;
padding: 10px;">
<div class="missing-media" style="display: none;">
<a href="">More Info</a>
<script src="res/web/js/reviewer.js"></script>
<script src="res/web/js/reviewer_extras_bundle.js"></script>
const bridgeCommand = function (msg) {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.log(`error sending message: ${err}`);
1 Like
May 25, 2024, 2:24pm
The solution in that post was to enable “Minimalist mode”, but that’s not available on iOS.
1 Like
May 26, 2024, 10:20pm
The webview extends to the bounds of the screen, and has insets and margins applied so that content at the start/end is not displayed under the top and bottom bars. When manually positioning, you’ll need to account for those bars in your calc()ulations.
June 25, 2024, 10:21pm
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