Then I don’t think you need a type-answer note at all, since you don’t want the text comparison aspect of it. I think you just need a generic text box that will hold on to what you type and show it to you on the back. Take a look at these for some ideas:
If you just want to get the text, which is typed into an input box, on the back side, you can do it with javascript without add-ons. Here is a card template example:
Front template {{Front}}
<input id="input-box" type="text" autofocus placeholder="Type your answer here...">
var isAnkiPc21 = typeof pycmd !== 'undefined';
var typedAnswer = '';
var inputBox = document.getElementById('inpu…
Dear all,
I made some tests with the regular expressions above in the meantime - apparently, they do their work
with some modifications.
But that solution was not satisfying.
I found another approach here at Reddit. , which has been mentioned here in the forum too.
I “played” a little bit with the anki-persistence-solution - and was able to test it with my desktop
(Suse Linux 15.2, Anki 2.1.44) and my Android tablet (Android 12) - here’s the code:
Front template <script>
var timestamp…
This is a response to Cloze one by one uncovering - #14 by shallash
I’ll briefly explain how basic user input works in JS, so you can add buttons and keyboard shortcuts yourself whenever you need them in the future:
Foundation: The HTML element
The foundation for everything JS-related is the HTML element. Any content that isn’t plain text ( → textNode) is contained inside an element:
various content containers (<div>, <span>, <p>, …)
links (<a>)
images (<img>)
Elements can be …