I thought it would be easy to find my leeches with the tag but I link you my screenshot to see that I do not see any leech tag. Can I find them in an other way, what might cause this issue?
I had the action suspend leech in the deck options cause I thought it does both tag and suspend
Per default a leech is reached when the counter reaches 8, see
So to find them, you use this:
E.g. prop:lapses>7
Got it. Thank you very much! I thought it would be a tag and in the Manual I was looking for leech not for lapses
If you have have leech tagging enabled – yes, a tag will be applied to the note when it reaches a set number of lapses. If you have cards that have reached that threshold, you can search for those notes/cards with tag:leech
or by clicking the tag in the sidebar.
Searching for cards with a certain number of lapses is another way to find them. It will return only the card that has the lapses (not its siblings, like the “tag” search does). And for instance, if you have fixed the notes and removed the leech tags, it will still work to find these cards.
If your notes have many cards, sometimes it is helpful to combine those searches – tag:leech prop:lapses>=8
– to see just the cards that have the issue and just for the notes that you still need to fix.