How do I sync my new mobile app (iPhone) with my free web version of Anki (Ver. 23.10.1)?

I began using the free web version of Anki (ver. 23.10.1) 2 weeks ago and I just installed the mobile (pay) version for iPhone. How do I sync the data on the web version to my mobile app? I tried using the “Sync” option on the web version but it asks me to set up a free account in order to sync. See screenshot. Since I just set up an account for the mobile app, I assume the app credentials would work, but they don’t. I don’t want to set up a second account, so does nayone know how I can approach this? Thanks! -Kevinc

This is the relevant part of the manual, you can probably find your answers there:
Did you already set up an AnkiWeb account for the mobile app? In that case you should be able to log in to that same account on all your devices and sync.

This intro video will lead you through it:

If your mobile app looks different, I’m afraid you may have downloaded a knock-off app with a similar name.

Thank you. I’ll check it out.

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