How can I Edit all my Cards at once because HyperTTS doesn't add the audio button?

I just would have to ad {{3}} in the back Template but how can I do it for all cards

Hallo, je nachdem wo du die Sprachausgabe haben willst, musst du einfach nur {{3}} im Template ergänzen, das wirkt sich auf alle Karten aus, die dieses Template benutzen. Ich würde dem Feld allerdings einen selbsterklärenden Namen geben :wink:


Any change you make to the template affects all cards of that card type.

If you have many different card types and you want to make the same change to all of their templates, there is an add-on called Find and Replace in Notetypes which lets you do find and replace in all templates. (“in Notetypes” is really a misnomer, it really should say “Templates”)


Dankeeeeeeeeeeeeeee vielmals. Wirklich ich wusste das nicht

Thanks. I for real didn’t know that you could make such changes to the templet and thanks for the add-on which will be very useful

as others explained, you need to add the sound field to your back template, this is explained in the HyperTTS tutorial here: HyperTTS: Collection Audio