Hello I’m a long time Anki user looking into using FSRS.
The problem I have is that I have not been using Anki in the standard way for the last (almost) 2 years of using it daily. For any new cards that I’m reviewing, if I get it right then I mark it as easy, as I felt that there is no point to seeing the card again so soon, as I’ll definitely get it right with little to no effort. Alternatively if I get a new card wrong I hit again, and hit easy once I get the new card right (unless I struggled with the card, in which case I hit good or hard based on how hard it felt to me). For normal cards (young and mature cards) I stick to good and again, only using hard for the proper use case (when it was a difficult recall but I still recalled it).
I found that this worked quite well with the default Anki algorithm for myself, but the problem that I’m wondering about now is whether this habit of marking new cards as easy will result in the FSRS algorithm scheduling cards too far out into the future, or is it fine?
And if it is a habit that is not compatible with FSRS then is there any way to fix my old collection of cards that were reviewed with this habit so that they can still be scheduled accurately with FSRS?