FSRS impact of moving cards

How does moving a card to another deck impact the way FSRS deals with this card?

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It doesn’t – necessarily. But if you move it to a deck that uses a different Deck Options preset, then –

  1. When you study or reschedule that card, it will use the FSRS parameters and desired retention of the new preset you just moved it to.
  2. Until you re-optimize the old preset, the parameters there will still include the history of that card.
  3. Until you re-optimize the new preset, the parameters there will not include the history of that card.

It’ll also affect sorting and searching by difficulty, retreivability, stability. Cards moved a different deck don’t have their memory state preserved and they’re recalculated only when you study them or optimise the new preset.

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How would they be recalculated when you study them if they don’t retain their memory state?

I think that was fixed a while ago
@L.M.Sherlock I believe in the latest version of Anki memory states are recalculated when moving cards between decks that are under different presets

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No, I tested before making that comment.

This is still an issue:

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Looks like it’s currently reset as @sorata said

EDIT: Ah, the memory state is recalculated when answering, but if simulated beforehand, a hardcoded default state is used

If you have the history and memory state is missing FSRS recalculates them.