FSRS 5: Ideas and Sims

Current FSRS Ideas and Simulations at work (list being updated…)

1-Seed Collection Testing

2-Preset Size

3-Short Term Memory Model

4-Sorting Order (PSG, PRL)

5-Improving Calculations for Retrievability and Difficulty

[Enhancement] Improving the function for calculating difficulty · Issue #352 · open-spaced-repetition/fsrs4anki

[Feature Request] Improve Calculation of Retreivability · Issue #703 · open-spaced-repetition/fsrs4anki

6-Influence of Increasing Collection Size on Retention (Interference - Retrograde Inhibition)

7-Influence of Time of Day (Fatigue) on Scheduling Time Intervals

  1. Here are the results so far

    I’ll finish this test, but it seems pretty clear that it’s not worth it even for people who don’t have a lot of reviews, and definitely not worth it above 5k reviews.
  2. Still waiting for the dataset
  3. That’s Jarrett’s territory, not mine. I don’t have much to say
  4. Dae will implement reverse relative overdueness, but probably not anything beyond that. And probably not my idea with only having 3-4 sort orders and “Custom”, sadge
  5. Both of those are dead ends. We might be able to reduce RMSE by 1-2% (relatively), but not more than that, and even that will be difficult to do. That is, unless someone smarter than me and Jarrett decides to work on FSRS, but I doubt that will happen any time soon.
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6-Influence of Increasing Collection Size on Retention (Interference - Retrograde Inhibition)
7-Influence of Time of Day (Fatigue) on Scheduling Time Intervals

  1. I’m not sure what you mean.
  2. I’ve experimented with that and got nowhere, and I don’t plan to continue working in that direction.

I think that the size of the collection and the rate at which it grows (number of new cards per day) influences the retention of older learned cards.

New cards interfere with retention of older cards → Retroactive Inhibition

Retroactive inhibition | psychology | Britannica

Learning theory - Stages, Acquisition, Retention | Britannica

This also applies in the opposite direction.

Older cards interfere with learning of new cards → Anterograde Inhibition

So I believe that collection size (Older cards) and Number of New Cards per day are variables that should be looked into.


I was just doing my reviews today and I mixed up 連絡 and 連続. This one is due to visual similarity. However, more importantly, I have even mixed up visually dissimilar vocab because the meanings are so close to each other, despite the appearance of the word being completely different. Similar to the chair-table example, although it was for more abstract vocab, not nouns.

Alright, I finished testing 1 vs 10 seeds
@L.M.Sherlock @vaibhav @sorata

For each collection, RMSE(10 seeds) is calculated simply as min(RMSE(seed 1), RMSE(seed 2)…RMSE(seed 10)).
I deliberately chose 100 collections with a small numer of reviews and 100 collections with a large number of reviews.

Difference in RMSE and the number of reviews.

Distribution of differences

Improvement and the number of seeds used

As you can see, it is absolutely not worth it even for people with <5k reviews (for other people the average is even lower).

Note that this is different from what I proposed here. It’s not the same idea.


So is the idea done for good :question: What happens if you test against 100 seeds :question:

I will get grey hairs before the optimizer finishes. And the improvement will be small anyway, probably around -0.2%

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probably around -0.2%

Yeah, no that is not worth the effort.

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