Oops sorry!! I thought you were by your name
sorata is Japanese lol.
No no, not that. I’m talking about “brishtibheja”. I was badly mislead it seems.
Can I ask where do you live? You were not wrong actually. The word certainly comes from a South Asian language.
I am just surprised you could tell brishtibheja is South Asian. Most people can’t. So I assumed you were in Asia (Central/South/South-East). Turned out pretty wrong.
Oh no, I’m just a curious person and I like looking up what things mean/are about.
It gives me some romantic song on a Google search haha. Actually, brishti=rain, bheja=soaked. I think I read something like “rain soaked sky of the monsoon evening” and adopted it. From some novel of Tagore (he’s nobel prize winner for literature).
Yeah I actually did wonder what was the connection between that song and you (if any) lol
Umm interesting. This is gonna be an Anki card for me and now imma read about Tagore as well