[Feature Request] Ability to sort decks

It would be really great to have the ability to sort decks! Right now I have to put a number in front, but if I want to change it, I have to tediously renumber eveything.


Doesn’t exactly satisfy your request, but to tide you over for now – yes, numbers are an option, but you don’t have to use numbers, and they don’t have to be consecutive.

Lots of patterns would work for leading characters, and still give you various amounts of room-in-between for when you need to adjust the order.
02 04 06 08 10 12 …
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 …
10 20 30 40 50 …
! % , @ ^ { + …


Yes, there are workarounds, but the FR seems reasonable, +1

I’ve got no issue with the request. It’s just not worth suffering while waiting for it to possibly be implemented when there are so many options.


I would love to second this suggestion. I have a similar challenge. I have decks for multiple languages and need to space them out throughout the day. I prefer to do the decks that have the most cards due early in the day when I’m fresh, and the cards with the least due cards later. I came up with this solution:

It works for me, but it requires teadiously arranging the decks manually every morning. It would be so great if I could just click on a sort menu to sort by cards due.