Error Message Related to Note Types


I’m experiencing an issue with two note types in Anki. When I navigate to Tools > Manage Note Types and select “Basic,” then click on the Options button, I receive an error message when I click the Close button. I’m not sure why this happens.

I recently switched from Qt5 to Qt6—could this be related to the issue? I also encountered the same error message with the “Clozenote type. All other note types seem to be working fine.

Can you help me understand why this is happening and what steps I can take to resolve it?

Thank you!

1st message occurs if there isn’t any replacement in the front side of a card template. You should add some replacement so that this error doesn’t popup.
2nd message occurs if you do not include {{cloze:Text}} (or {{cloze:nameoffield}} if you’ve renamed it) on the front side of the card.

I haven’t used these note types to customize my decks, and now I’m feeling confused about what changes I need to make to fix the issue.

It looks like those note types have been edited – whether by you or by a deck you imported. Getting that sort of error on 2 different note types is a bit unusual, so try running Tools > Check Database. If anything is just a little bit disconnected, that will fix it.

Are those note types being used at all, or are they “used by 0 notes”? I suspect they aren’t used, because they wouldn’t make any cards. In that case, the easiest thing to do would be to delete them. Then you can add fresh ones from the defaults – Manage Note Types > Add > Add: Basic [Add: Cloze] – and leave them with their default names.

If they are being used – you can decide whether to try to repair them, or replace them with new note types and shift the current notes to use those.

No, I don’t think so.

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I didn’t import or modify any decks, and I noticed that those note types are “used by 0 notes.” Running the “Check Database” didn’t resolve the issue, but deleting and re-adding the new ones worked perfectly without any error messages. Great job :+1:, and thanks, Danika! :grinning_face:

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