Enable up/down arrows in Deck Menu

After I finish study in one deck I press “D” to jump to deck menu. But then when I want to select another deck in the menu, up/down arrows won’t do the trick. So I have to use my mouse to pick another deck to continue my study.

Is there anyway to enable up/down arrows in deck menu so I don’t have to use my mouse?



Try Tools > Study Deck (can be accessed by the handy / key)

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Abdo, thanks for the tip!
Still wanting the arrow shortcut in deck menu though.

Is there a simpler way? Maybe some addon could do this?

Now we have a new choice.

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The deck overview is getting reworked right now. Everything on the main view will be navigable by keyboard without add-ons.


While and if you’re at it, I’d suggest arrow key navigation also in the deck overview screen (link to clarify what screen I mean).

  • ↑ Up and ↓ down should switch the selected deck,
  • ← left should go back to the main screen, and
  • → right should go to the review screen.

(You can navigate works like this with the analog stick in Contanki, iirc.)