Ease and Modifying Time Intervals

I recently updated my AnkiHub after the new year and now find that my cards aren’t following the same viewing pattern like they used to.

In the past, cards would go straight from New to In Progress where I could see all the cards I have to do today. Now, cards will disappear and reappear based on the time interval I have set for them. For example, in the past, regardless of setting a button to 1m or 10m, the card would go from New to In Progress and just show back up after its specific time period had elapsed. Now, if I set a card to 1m, it disappears entirely from the screen and only reappears in the In Progress category after 1 minute.

As you can imagine, this makes it significantly more difficult to see how many cards I have left to do in a day.

Is there a way to change it back to the way I had it?

Maybe your learn ahead limit changed? See:

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That fixed it! It was set to 0 instead of 20. Thank you!

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