Disabling middle click to paste on Linux

Sorry if there’s already a way to do this; if there is I couldn’t find it in the settings or by searching online
Would it be possible to include an option to disable middle click to paste on Anki when running on Linux? I literally never use the feature and it only annoys me when I accidentally invoke it when using a touchpad.
I’ve already disabled it from the KDE system settings, but Anki seemingly ignores that

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The thing is, I don’t want to disable the middle click completely (or more specifically, the three fingers touch gesture to simulate one) as I use it extensively for other things. But the middle click to paste thing is, in general, completely useless to me, and is actively obstructing my workflow on Anki since it’s pasting stuff when I don’t want it to

As for filing a feature request, the GitHub says to do it in this very forum and not in the issues

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That was most probably a bot, ignore. They are everywhere these days.


Oh damn lol