Is it possible to disable autocomplete in html-editor?
Not the best solution but edit ...\Anki\aqt_data\web\js\editor.js
and replace autoCloseTags:!0
with autoCloseTags:!1
or autoCloseTags:false
@kelciour Is there a way to set the HTML editor as default?
I think this is important enough to be an option in the UI.
I would also suggest that auto-close be disabled by default. If you are writing code, then auto-closing braces makes sense, but when writing HTML, you are often copy-pasting links or adding markup to existing text, and because of this, the auto-closing behavior is frustrating and not helpful.
I have to agree that I find myself more often than not removing the auto-completed part of the tag, especially when I want to wrap some part of text within a tag, but the end tag is generated just next to the start tag, instead of where I want it.