I used the Colab optimizer and got R = 82% which I assume is the minimum recommended retention (optimal). The values were the default, other than learn_span = 90 days.
However, I heard that it apparently assumes you are only learning 10 cards per day. Once the holidays come up, I’m going to be doing another challenge with a friend for 3 months, where I will likely average 100 new cards per day (with peak days of maybe 200-400). Since the optimizer assumes 10 cards per day, would it affect the optimal retention significantly? And if so, does it place it higher or lower than if it had assumed I do more new cards per day? In short, if I’m planning to do more cards (such as 10k-20k), in a short period of time (90-150 days) would it be better to place the retention higher or lower than what “FSRS4Anki v5.1.0 Optimizer” gives? Or does it not have a significant difference?
There is also “FSRS4Anki v4.14.4 Simulator”, but the results are confusing… a graphical comparison between Anki and FSRS?