
i faced a problem after the latest upgrade which i tried to fix through reinstalling the app and installing an older version of Anki. However, after i tried it the app stopped working, showing the tables:
"DbError {info: “SqliteFailure(Error { code: Unknown, extended_code: 1 }, Some("no such table: decks"))”, kind: Other }
“DbError {info: “SqliteFailure(Error { code: DatabaseCorrupt, extended_code: 11 }, Some("database disk image is malformed”))”, kind: Other }

AnkiWeb and Anki on my computer still work without any problems. I tried to import the backup version of the decks, but it still shows these two tables or the circle in the middle keeps rotating.

I hope somebody could help me. Thank you in advance!

Can you clarify – is this error after downgrading in AnkiDroid or AnkiDesktop?

You posted in Droid, but then you said Droid is working fine, but then you said that was on your computer? :sweat_smile: I just don’t want to pick the wrong typo path! :wink:

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Sorry for the misunderstanding
The problem occured in the app AnkiDroid on my phone. The versions on my computer, installed application of Anki (i suppose that is what you meant with Anki Desktop) and the access from Chrome- Anki Web, work just fine.

Thank you for clarifying!

I’m not familiar with that particular error on AnkiDroid. What version did you downgrade from and to what older version?

The great first step would be a “Check Database” – have you tried that?

Cue – me getting this exact same error not 2 hours later! :joy:

I got that code 11 error, followed by –

Collection file is corrupt. Please restore from an automatic backup.

I know exactly what I did in between though. I have a parallel install of 2.16.5 (not using the new backend) that I had opened to check how something used to look, and I forgot to close it.

AnkiDroid Version = 2.17.6

AnkiDroid Version = 2.17.6 (568538896be943818ca793dd2635822265712def)

Backend Version = 0.1.34-anki23.12.1 (23.12.1 1a1d4d5419c6b57ef3baf99c9d2d9cf85d36ae0a)

Android Version = 9 (SDK 28)

ProductFlavor = play

Manufacturer = Amazon

Model = KFONWI

Hardware = mt8168

Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; KFONWI Build/PS7321; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/94.0.4606.71 Safari/537.36

ACRA UUID = 7d4c980a-f818-4cde-b15a-8821b44cf70e

Crash Reports Enabled = true

AnkiDroid Version = 2.16.5

AnkiDroid Version = 2.16.5 (953b9bd879269910ee962b520da9705336d8bc2d)

Android Version = 9

ProductFlavor = full

Manufacturer = Amazon

Model = KFONWI

Hardware = mt8168

Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; KFONWI Build/PS7321; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/94.0.4606.71 Safari/537.36

ACRA UUID = 2fa06384-d44d-43f5-99e8-42000307ebf7

New schema = false

Scheduler = std2

Crash Reports Enabled = true

DatabaseV2 Enabled = true

Used to be that if you left one open, the other would fail to open with a database-locked sort of message. Not sure why that didn’t happen this time. But when I closed 2.17.6 and closed 2.16.5, then 2.17.6 started up again with no issues.

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OMG it got fixed! I did as you said, however there were no problems found. I also checked the media files and deleted the ones that were empty. Then i synced it with my phone and imported the data from AnkiWeb and the mobile app started working. I don’t quiet understand why it funktions now, even though i previously tried to do the exactly same thing. Nevertheless, i’m so happy it works now! Everything is thanks to you! I’m realy thankful for your advices and the time you spent!!!

I’m so sorry you had to face the same issue:(
It’s pretty funny though. Glad, you could fix it!

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