There is a discussion in this thread about Anki and schools. (Maybe no practical tools yet) : Anki in schools
It is common in Anki to use a collaboration add-on to distribute decks.
This allows collaborative deck creation and immediate synchronization of modifications and updates to users. These are popular:
This is a collaborative add-on by medical group Anking. It is advanced and supportive, but there is a fee. It is popular with medical students. -
A free collaboration add-on by volunteers, it is free to use.
The leaderboard add-on is similar to this one. (This add-on is no longer in development so now I am managing and developing it.)
Using leaderboards you can compete with today’s reviews, streaks, etc.
If you create a private group you can only see leaderboards for school only.
Basically Anki is a program for individuals, not for organizations.
Sometimes schools use Anki to develop such servers and apps (Anki is open source so it’s possible), but they make it closed source (maybe to sell and recover development costs), so there are no free and open source resources for teachers at the moment.