Creation of new landing page

I have had a go with creating resources to fill the cards and I think it’s safe to say that it’s unlikely to evolve into anything worthwhile so I likely won’t be adding anything into the cards. I don’t think that it’s too uncommon though, take for example cards seen on OpenAI’s website:

And the Twill CMS page:

It might make more sense though in the contributing section to just opt for 3 cards side by side that are a lot smaller and function similar to the cards seen in the OpenAI example

Not necessarily, no. An automated build step and easy updates would be nice. The main issue I can think of is that hosts a mirror of downloads for people who can’t access GitHub, so the downloads and landing page would need to be split into different domains.

I’m glad static deployment is supported, but this is not a complicated website - what value is Astro bringing to the table that justifies the extra moving parts?

Each extra format/technology we add to the mix is a little extra complexity, which adds up over time. It’s not necessarily a dealbreaker in this case, as the .json files are simple and Pontoon appears to support them, but Fluent would be preferable.

If we’re going to be handling internationalisation whilst still serving a majority of static content, Astro seems to me like the best fit given it’s design principles and features. I don’t really know of any other viable approaches.

I’m unsure how we would integrate the Fluent translations though. I can do some research but initial findings show it’s not well documented, especially for use in Astro. Something like Fluent feels a little overkill though for simple sentence translations that won’t have dynamic content.

If we want to keep things simple, I think SvelteKit SSG is also an option.

Could you please provide some concrete examples, so I can better understand your argument? All we need to do is load the appropriate language file, and get the appropriate translated strings so we can {interpolate} them. That can be done quite easily with a raw Svelte or SvelteKit. What is Astro doing that they can’t?

If your argument is just “I don’t know Fluent”, you can just stub out the translation-fetching function for now, and one of us can add it later.

I don’t have any experience using fluent, though I have looked into the unofficial svelte package that can handle the localisation. I wasn’t entirely certain how the internationalisation would work out for static content with SvelteKit as surely the translations rely on dynamic interpolation of the string based on the user’s locale. All of which relies on checking conditions client side. Either way I don’t fully understand the workings of this so if this is a non-issue then that’s fine.

Astro is purpose built for this use case, on the other hand SvelteKit is designed for creating SPAs with dynamic content. Either way I don’t particularly care what we use, as long as everyone’s on board and it gets the job done. Both projects have good DX and support static content generation, so if SvelteKit is preferred, we can proceed with SvelteKit.

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SvelteKit is used by AnkiWeb already, and also with the current desktop beta, so using it for the landing page as well would mean we avoid adding an extra technology.

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Sorry for the slower updates on my behalf, I’ve had a lack of spare time recently. I’m hoping to create the hero section placeholder graphic / image soon-ish. I have redesigned the testimonials section to be a carousel, that way any number of comments from the community could be showcased, no matter their brevity. I also took inspiration from the previously shown OpenAI cards in the new contributing cards.

I created the ‘wireframe’ graphic for the decks section in the getting started section. I’m quite happy with how it looks and intend to do something similar for the reviews section. Would be great to hear some feedback / thoughts before I get started on that though.

Hey @dae as someone mentioned it last year, the URL is confusing too. You can either end up in the landing page or in ankiweb depending on whether you added a “apps.” in the front. Can something be done about it too? I also want Anki to be more popular in my country. Having a concise URL thus would be good.

Looking good!

You can tell people if you wish. I’m not really keen to move the website to that domain, as it requires a separate SSL certificate, and SRS doesn’t mean anything to many people.

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I am of the opinion that the landing page should be on and ankiweb itself (that we use) should be on

What do you think?

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Sorry, I disagree.

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