Create anki card automatically with chrome extension - anki desktop

first off it’s not a problem. I try to make the creation of anki card easier by using my new extension that I wrote for chrome browser. with this extension you can create anki card really easy. I just want to know your feedback and make it better. so please share your experience with me. it would be a great help for next update.

you can search anki card in official chrome extension webpage and install it.

I hope this extension help you enjoy using anki more.

I can’t send the link. so you can search “anki card” in chrome extension page or dm me on telegram @fshift95 to send you the official link

there are a lot of such addons,
so far by just viewing in the chrome store, this is quite good.

however, my experience is that in a sentence like
fasting blood glucose >= 7.0 for 2 times is diagnostic for diabetes.

the AI always ask:
what is diagnosed when fasting blood glucose >= 7.0 for 2 times.

indeed obviously it shd help me remember the critieria i.e. >=7.0 x 2.

they dont do wrong but they dont do smart.

Yeah I saw that. but I write this extension “Anki Card” by myself.
I think language learner like me just need to add new words with examples and meaning in the dictionary websites.
and they decide which example is new for them and more practical. so the main goal is using this extension for dictionary websites.