Corrupt Database error


I recently force-restarted my Mac with the Anki app open, and I haven’t been able to work the app since. The error I see is below:

DbError { info: “SqliteFailure(Error { code: DatabaseCorrupt, extended_code: 11 }, Some("database disk image is malformed"))”, kind: Other }

I have tried deleting and re-installing Anki itself as well as all of its supporting files that I could find. Any advice? Thank you!

Your collection appears to have been corrupted. Please try restoring from an automatic backup. Restoring an Automatic Backup (Recovering from Data Loss) - Frequently Asked Questions

I have also tried to restore from a backup but I unfortunately cannot “Switch Profile” because it tries to backup my current profile first but then I am just stuck on a “Backing up…” popup that never goes away.

If you manually rename the collection.anki2 file in your profile folder while Anki is closed, you should be able to open the profile (it will open up empty), and then opening a backup should work.

That worked! thank you so much!

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