Confusing message about sequential due number on v3

Steps to reproduce

In Deck Options, in the “New Cards” section, we have the “Insertion order” option, with two possible values: Either “Sequential (oldest card first)” or “Random”. Choose “Random”.

Actual behaviour

You get the following message:

With the v3 scheduler, it is better to leave this set to sequential, and adjust the new card gather order instead.

This seems quite confusing to me, because you get this message in any case, both when you use v3 and also when you use FSRS:

This behaviour is contradictory with the message itself, because FSRS is not v3, and you get this message nevertheless.

(I suppose in the past you did not get this message when you used the v2 scheduler, but this isn’t an option anymore in current Anki which does not offer v2 anymore.)

Expected behaviour
I suppose in both, FSRS and v3 it is better to use sequential insertion order? If so, maybe the expected behaviour would be to remove the “Insert order” option entirely from Anki?

FSRS is not an sm-2.

FSRS and v3 are different non-competing things.


I think we can do two things:

  1. Move Insertion Order to Advanced section. And edit that message to remove the word v3. Most people who are new here would’ve no idea what’s a v3.
  2. Or, remove this option altogether but that would be problematic for folks who are still using the feature.

I’m inclined to agree with you both, and have logged this on Drop the insertion order option · Issue #3583 · ankitects/anki · GitHub.

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Aw, nuts! I’ll move my impassioned defense over to GitHub then. :wink:

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