Cards "Sticking" Help

Hi everyone.
I am new to Anki and have been having issues. I use the 8BitDo remote, and when I click the button on my remote that corresponds to the spacebar, the card doesn’t flip unless I scroll on my laptop. Additionally, when I click the keys that correspond to Try Again, Hard, Good, or Easy, often times, the next card doesn’t show until I scroll. Has anyone had this issue and can anyone help me with fixing it? Thank you!

It sounds like your card template isn’t responding correctly. Do these cards have a type-answer field that is holding focus? Or do they have other dynamic elements, scripts, etc. that are stealing that input?

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They do not. I am using the MCAT MilesDown deck and I haven’t heard of this issue from anyone else. The issue doesn’t occur everytime, so I know that the space bar is doing what it should. But oftentimes when I click it, it will only move to the next card once I have scrolled.

  • Does it work when you use the keyboard instead of the remote?
  • Is your remote configured correctly?
  • If you’re using Contanki or another add-on for the remote, have you checked with that add-on dev about this issue?
  • What happens when you disable your add-ons [Troubleshooting Checklist #2 safe mode] – or anything except what is essential for the remote – and use the remote?
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