Cards not repeating after clicking "again"

Hi there, I’m wondering if anyone is able to help me. I’m relatively new to anki and not especially literate in the coding/modification of it.
I have 2 anki decks. One of these decks works as expected. Recently I made a new deck and am encountering the following:

  • cards are not being scheduled for review (two days in a row no cards from this deck have been “due”)
  • When I select “again”, cards are not being repeated and the deck does not seem to be registering that I selected “again” as shown in the stats for this deck (“again count = 0”)
    These issues seem to be confined to that specific deck and so do not seem to be to do with the settings of Anki in general, as my other deck is behaving normally. I have not adjusted or customised any settings of anki so this is also not due to a setting that I have changed; everything is set as the default as it was when I downloaded it. I also have no add-ons
    So far I have tried:
  • restarting anki
  • changing the learn ahead time to longer
  • giving all the cards in this deck a due date of today (it showed me each card once but didn’t repeat any of those selected for repear)
  • Clicking “check database”
  • looking through previous posts but cannot find an answer to this particular issue

Thanks in advance!

Just because there are no cards on those days, doesn’t mean that the cards aren’t being scheduled. It might just be a matter of understanding when they have been scheduled and why. [Since you’ve already rescheduled them, it might be hard to tell, but we’ll work with what you’ve got.]

The best thing we can start with is looking at –

  • The Deck Options for the deck/subdeck these cards are actually in – Deck Options - Anki Manual .
    • Since you said “Recently I made a new deck …” and “These issues seem to be confined to that specific deck” – make sure you’re looking at the Deck Options preset that the new deck is actually using, and not just what you assume it is.
    • We’ll want to see daily limits, learning/relearning steps, burying settings, which algorithm you’re using, and your intervals or parameters – so it’s pretty much the whole thing. Don’t just respond that it’s all the defaults, that won’t help.
  • The Card Info for a card you’ve studied that you expected to see again. You can search up those cards in the Browse window with something like rated:3 -rated:2 (rated in the past 3 days, but not the past 2 days), and limit that to the deck you want. Look for a Card Info that you think is a good example.
  • The above information will probably help with that as well. Find an example of a card you graded again – rated:3:1 -rated:2 (rated Again the past 3 days, but not the past 2 days).

  • The other thing to consider is how you’re entering your grades – keyboard number, clicking/tapping the buttons, remote, etc. – and whether they are being recorded correctly.

Hi there and thanks for your response
The daily limits and maximum reviews per day are both 9999
The learning steps are 1m 10m, the relearning steps are 10m
The algorithm is FSRS
As far as burying is concerned, all sliders are toggled to “off”

Below is a card which I selected “again” for today and was then not shown again

I would like to add as well that I think that this is happening with all my decks and actually may just be those in “Review” mode (but I’m not sure), so it may actually be a setting for anki that I have to adjust somewhere.

Thanks again!

You didn’t grade this card Again today – it only has one grade and it was Hard.

It’s not going to matter for this issue, but you’re not using FSRS. Unless you turned it on after you took this screenshot? Your Card Info doesn’t have any FSRS-related data.

This is a helpful spot! I think I found the issue- was to do with the key configuration for the remote I’m using to change flashcards! Thanks for the help, hopefully this is now fixed

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