Cards don't appear upon opening deck

I have tried all 7 options under “troubleshooting,” my anki is up to date software, and all add ons have been deleted. When I try to open a deck, it opens and shows the front page of the deck. But when I click on “study now,” the page is blank. “Show back” button also doesn’t show anything. Sometimes, it works but while studying and going through cards, the same problem shows up once in a while. What do I do? I have a Windows and it has worked for the past 4 months fine, not sure why it’s doing this all of a sudden.

That screen should be the “Study Overview” screen. Studying - Anki Manual

What do you see after clicking “Study Now”?

Are you sure you tried all of the video drivers? And restarted Anki after trying each one? What you’re describing is almost always due to a video driver issue.

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