Card type: Basic (type in the answer) font problem

Hello, I like using the note type Basic (type in the answer) and in the edit section I am using the arial font and everything works fine till I start studying the deck and click on study now…

When I get the any note that is Basic (type in the answer) and I write the answer and click on show answer to see if my answer is right or wrong the font of the answer is not arial and is an annoying font that I hate to look at so I feel bad and I tried to fix it but I can’t

it is weird that when I edit the same note the font is arial again but only the problem exists when I study the note!

Here is a screenshot of the problem…

I hope someone tell me how to fix it and the problem is in the PC version and also the mobile version…

Checking Your Answer

Anki uses a monospaced font for the answer comparison so that the “provided” and “correct” sections line up. If you wish to override the font for the answer comparison, you can put the following at the bottom of your styling section:


Thank you so much :smile:

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