Cannot Remove Anki Snap (Ubuntu 22)

Installed Anki snap via GUI. Noticed it was outdated version. Tried to uninstall via GUI and was told “Unable to remove Anki: no packages to remove”. So off to the command line with sudo snap remove anki only to get the reply “snap anki is not installed”. so i run sudo snap list only to see there is in fact no snap containing the text anki. in fact, every snap i have installed is accounted for meaning there really is no anki snap. but snap seems to recognize something being installed as the program runs and shows up in the my app list.

i do NOT like this at all an want to remove this zombie from my computer. any suggestions?

Sounds like you should report the bug to the snap authors.

(post deleted by author)

not sure why admins felt to delete me response so i’ll make it clear. i am asking for help and answers like this Sounds like you should report the bug to the snap authors. are NOT helpful. if you have a solution to offer i’m all ears, otherwise please keep it to yourself.

I am not an admin nor a developer, but the Anki developers don’t have anything to do with packaging the snap. Sounds like you should report the bug to the snap authors actually is a helpful response.

However one thing can be added: here is the recommended way of installing on Linux once you have the snap thing sorted out:

If you have issues with the recommended way of installing Anki on Linux, let the forum know,


For what it’s worth, the forum is saying that you (perhaps accidentally?) deleted your response yourself.

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