I’ve made a screen recording showing what happens. I select the picture, but when I click the tick and it takes me back to the main screen it says I’ve not selected a picture. I’ve tried adding it to the front and the back of the card, and I’ve tried with and without a text caption. It always tells me I haven’t selected a picture
Hi, while you wait for a reply, just to point out that you are using AnkiDroid. Anki Mobile is for the iPhone app. You may want to change the category so AnkiDroid contributors can see your message.
thank you. I hadn’t realised. I will post it again in the correct area
I’ve made a screen recording showing what happens. I select the picture, but when I click the tick and it takes me back to the main screen it says I’ve not selected a picture. I’ve tried adding it to the front and the back of the card, and I’ve tried with and without a text caption. It always tells me I haven’t selected a picture