Bug? Skip Anki home and deck overview (Customized by Shigeඞ)

love the idea of this addon, however it doesn’t really work fully :frowning: hopefully someone can help

Expected behaviour: on opening anki we are teleported to start deck then are instantly in reviewer
Actual behavior: on opening, goes straight to start deck deck overview,

however anki seems to think we are in reviewer (for example the 10 second timer ankiarcade starts/we can see the answer bar, to get to a normal looking screen we can get out of ND Fullscsreen. when we now press the reviewer hotkey, and then we get the anki addon troubleshoot popup or this one:

Expected behaviour: when we are in anki home and we click on deck we are automatically in reviewer
Actual behaviour: when we are in anki home and clikc on a deck we are automatically in reviewer, however using review shortcuts/or pressing the buttons does not advance to the next card (and troubleshoot popup appear)

debug info:

Anki 24.06.3 (d678e393) (ao)
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: Linux-6.12.4-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.40

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt.taskman”, line 142, in _on_closures_pending
File “aqt.taskman”, line 86, in
File “aqt.taskman”, line 106, in wrapped_done
File “aqt.operations”, line 127, in wrapped_done
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 551, in after_answer
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 563, in _after_answering
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 938, in check_timebox
File “anki.collection”, line 1175, in timeboxReached
File “anki._legacy”, line 80, in getattr
AttributeError: ‘Collection’ object has no attribute ‘_startTime’

===Add-ons (active)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
AMBOSS add-on [‘0amboss_addon’, 2024-08-05T16:24, ‘None’, mod]
AnKing Note Types Easy Customization [‘952691989’, 2024-10-21T16:29, ‘None’, mod]
Anki Leaderboard - Compete with friends to boost motivation Fork by Shige [‘175794613’, 2024-12-02T07:07, ‘None’, mod]
Anki Leaderboard Plus - Customized by Shige [‘AnkiLeaderBoardPlus’, 0, ‘None’, mod]
Anki Simulator [‘817108664’, 2023-11-06T18:26, ‘None’, ‘’]
AnkiArcade [‘AnkiArcade’, 0, ‘None’, mod]
AnkiDraw - Draw and write using mouse and stylus with pressure support [‘1868980340’, 2024-07-18T00:14, ‘None’, ‘’]
AnkiHub [‘1322529746’, 2024-12-02T21:00, ‘None’, ‘’]
AnkiRestart - Quick Anki Rebooter for Customize Develop Created by Shige [‘237169833’, 2024-10-11T05:28, ‘None’, mod]
Ankizin Notetypes - ehem ProjektAnki [‘2058530482’, 2024-10-02T17:24, ‘None’, mod]
Brainscape Flashcards to Anki [‘403833522’, 2024-10-23T03:28, ‘None’, ‘’]
Break Timer - After 10 cards take a 3 minute break Created by Shige [‘174058935’, 2024-08-30T10:13, ‘None’, mod]
CSS Injector - Change default editor styles [‘181103283’, 2023-02-21T22:15, ‘None’, ‘’]
Closet For Anki [‘272311064’, 2022-08-12T10:27, ‘None’, ‘’]
Countdown To Events and Exams [‘1143540799’, 2022-06-27T13:50, ‘None’, ‘’]
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts [‘24411424’, 2023-11-01T10:17, ‘None’, ‘’]
Deck Browser CSS [‘153779542’, 2024-03-27T23:30, ‘None’, ‘’]
Enhance main window Customized by Shige [‘911023479’, 2024-11-16T16:29, ‘None’, mod]
Enhanced Cloze for Anki 21 [‘1990296174’, 2023-09-10T20:48, ‘None’, mod]
Image Occlusion Enhanced [‘1374772155’, 2022-04-09T09:15, ‘None’, ‘’]
More Overview Stats 21 [‘738807903’, 2024-08-22T11:14, ‘None’, ‘’]
More Overview Stats [‘2116130837’, 2024-04-15T20:07, ‘None’, ‘’]
No Distractions Full Screen Fixed by Shige [‘1370336700’, 2024-08-26T07:08, ‘None’, mod]
No longer needed Remaining time Fixed by Shige [‘1630175489’, 2024-04-17T10:40, ‘24.1.23i147’, ‘’]
PDF to notes [‘1250587448’, 2022-07-25T01:26, ‘None’, mod]
Refocus Card when Reviewing 21 [‘1642550423’, 2018-09-19T16:14, ‘None’, ‘’]
Reload addon [‘613411786’, 2023-08-16T11:10, ‘1.0.0’, mod]
Review Heatmap [‘1771074083’, 2022-06-30T03:43, ‘None’, ‘’]
Scroll in reviewer with vivim-like keys j and k Fixed by Shige [‘1241205467’, 2024-07-07T08:46, ‘None’, mod]
Skip Anki home and deck overview Customized by Shige [‘295525470’, 2024-09-28T23:49, ‘None’, mod]
Special Fields [‘1102281552’, 2024-10-26T17:51, ‘None’, mod]
Speed Focus Mode auto-alert auto-reveal auto-answer [‘1046608507’, 2022-12-16T12:24, ‘None’, mod]
Study Time Stats [‘1247171202’, 2024-02-24T17:59, ‘None’, ‘’]
SwiftAnki Quick Anki Navigation with Keyboard Shortcuts [‘1467361433’, 2024-09-13T23:38, ‘None’, ‘’]
TidyAnkiBear - Select and hide Anki menu bar items Created by Shige [‘906950015’, 2024-02-12T00:58, ‘None’, mod]
WikiLookup [‘1516720487’, 2023-05-20T22:21, ‘None’, ‘’]
Zoom for Anki24 - Keep zoom level after reboot Fixed by Shige [‘1923741581’, 2024-08-31T00:20, ‘None’, mod]

===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===
1046608507 1102281552 1143540799 1241205467 1247171202 1250587448 1322529746 1370336700 1374772155 1467361433 1516720487 153779542 1630175489 1642550423 174058935 175794613 1771074083 181103283 1868980340 1923741581 1990296174 2058530482 2116130837 237169833 24411424 272311064 295525470 403833522 613411786 738807903 817108664 906950015 911023479 952691989

===Add-ons (inactive)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
‘’ [‘hide_deck_stats’, 0, ‘None’, ‘’]
Anki Redesign - Make Anki Cool Design Fixed by Shige [‘1959668791’, 2024-03-03T11:39, ‘None’, ‘’]
Audiovisual Feedback [‘231569866’, 2023-07-09T05:34, ‘0.8’, mod]
Custom Background Image and Gear Icon [‘1210908941’, 2023-04-19T03:19, ‘None’, mod]
Deadline2 [‘723639202’, 2024-02-26T04:38, ‘None’, mod]
History Recorder - word cloud and statistics Fixed by Shige [‘510715849’, 2024-07-12T13:27, ‘None’, mod]
Hitmarkers [‘1776869150’, 2024-02-24T12:19, ‘None’, ‘’]
Life Drain [‘715575551’, 2024-12-03T07:44, ‘None’, mod]
Meditricks Addon [‘mt-anki-addon-public’, 0, ‘None’, mod]
Progress bar for Anki by Shige [‘Progress bar for Anki by Shige’, 0, ‘None’, mod]
ReColor [‘688199788’, 2024-03-03T02:45, ‘3.0’, mod]
Searching PDF Reading Note-Taking in Add Dialog - Qt6 port [‘572933442’, 2024-04-02T19:18, ‘None’, mod]

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Thanks for reporting the problem and screenshots, I’ll look into it.

don’t want to be annoying, but is it planned to look into this?

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This issue is a bit complicated so will still take some time.
If you are in a hurry try similar add-ons, there are two links on my add-ons page: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/295525470

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