[bug] Huge Sync icon in main window

Some times when I launch the program it has a huge Sync icon in main window.

Some times it disappears after on/off night mode or acceleration, and some times not. I tried check/uncheck them in different sequence but I did not catch at what moment it reacts like that.

I noticed that this effect shows up when I add a second user. And when i delete it then everything back to norm.

Program and OS versions

Version 2.1.35 (84dcaa86)
Python 3.8.1 Qt 5.15.1 PyQt 5.15.1

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 lts bionic
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.4.0-48-generic

I’m new to Anki. When I open it on my desktop, I get a big circular arrow and I don’t know what to do with it. Can anyone help?

Do you guys use any add-ons? Do you use any sort of firewall/VPN software? If you spot any more of a pattern as to when it’s occurring, please let me know.

@dae, I have spot some pattern – this effect shows up when I add a second user and restarting program. When i delete that user (i didn’t try to delete main profile) then everything back to norm.
I don’t use any add-on, firewall, VPN.
@rvisser, and what about you? Have you one profile or more?

I do all my usual testing with multiple profiles, and I can’t seem to trigger it by adding or removing extra profiles. It looks as if the CSS is failing to load properly. You could try using Chrome to inspect the page and see if a resource failed to load: https://addon-docs.ankiweb.net/#/porting2.0?id=webview-changes

You were right. I noticed that they are hanging somewhere after program launch and when I restarting the page in Chrome (F5) they goes to the right place, but large space still remains.

This is not such a big problem that is worth worrying about, but when something doesn’t work, some kind of internal discomfort appears. At the same time, it quickly disappears when you read what problems other users face. So far I’m lucky and I have only good impressions from using the program :relaxed:.

But still, maybe you guide me what are the next steps I need to take to find out the cause of the malfunction. That Chrome DevTools like a spaceship dashboard :exploding_head:. I’m trying to figure it out myself, but it all takes so long. There is not enough time, but I want it faster :sweat_smile:.

Once again, I apologize for my Google English.

Please run Anki in a terminal after setting ANKIDEV=1 in the environment, and it should print some info about each file request that comes in. The next time the issue occurs, please check the terminal and see if any error messages are shown.

I didn’t saw any errors.

This output when everything OK:
alex@alex-pc:~$ export QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING="8080"
alex@alex-pc:~$ export ANKIDEV="1"
alex@alex-pc:~$ ~/anki-app/stable/anki-2.1.35-linux-amd64/bin/anki
Serving on http://localhost:44783
mpv too old for key rebinding

DevTools listening on ws://
Qt warning: Remote debugging server started successfully. Try pointing a Chromium-based browser to 
[1602596242] collection.py:__init__(): /home/alex/.local/share/Anki2/gorelov.box/collection.anki2, 2.1.35
1602596243.609 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602596243.655 GET /_anki/toolbar.css
1602596243.661 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602596243.664 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602596243.678 GET /_anki/toolbar.js
1602596243.680 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602596243.682 GET /_anki/imgs/refresh.svg
1602596243.724 GET /_anki/deckbrowser.css
1602596243.727 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602596243.729 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602596243.731 GET /_anki/toolbar.css
1602596243.733 GET /_anki/toolbar-bottom.css
1602596243.738 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602596243.761 GET /_anki/jquery-ui.js
1602596243.763 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602596243.773 GET /_anki/deckbrowser.js
1602596243.777 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602596243.779 GET /_anki/imgs/gears.svg
1602596243.996 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602596243.997 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602596243.999 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602596244.001 GET /_anki/toolbar-bottom.css
1602596244.002 GET /_anki/toolbar.css
1602596244.127 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602596244.142 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602596244.145 GET /_anki/deckbrowser.css
1602596244.155 GET /_anki/jquery-ui.js
1602596244.158 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602596244.162 GET /_anki/deckbrowser.js
1602596244.166 GET /_anki/imgs/gears.svg
And this when something NOT:
alex@alex-pc:~$ export QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING="8080"
alex@alex-pc:~$ export ANKIDEV="1"
alex@alex-pc:~$ ~/anki-app/stable/anki-2.1.35-linux-amd64/bin/anki    
Serving on http://localhost:38301
mpv too old for key rebinding

DevTools listening on ws://
Qt warning: Remote debugging server started successfully. Try pointing a Chromium-based browser to 
1602595382.826 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602595382.839 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602595382.849 GET /_anki/toolbar.js
1602595382.871 GET /_anki/imgs/refresh.svg
[1602595384] collection.py:__init__(): /home/alex/.local/share/Anki2/test-user/collection.anki2, 2.1.35
1602595385.315 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602595385.318 GET /_anki/deckbrowser.css
1602595385.320 GET /_anki/webview.js
1602595385.329 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602595385.334 GET /_anki/jquery-ui.js
1602595385.351 GET /_anki/deckbrowser.js
1602595385.354 GET /_anki/imgs/gears.svg
1602595385.362 GET /_anki/webview.css
1602595385.377 GET /_anki/toolbar.css
1602595385.395 GET /_anki/toolbar-bottom.css
1602595385.395 GET /_anki/jquery.js
1602595385.396 GET /_anki/webview.js

I relaunched program multiple times for both cases, and every time output was almost the same except the order of GET requests.

This task is not urgent, so I can wait with its solution. Maybe something wrong with OS.
But if there are still places where I can check anything useful for you, write, I will check.

I’d expect toolbar.css to be fetched immediately - strange that there is no error, it’s as if the request is not coming in at all. I’ve added this to https://github.com/ankitects/help-wanted/issues/21

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I think its happen twice now, when there a requested window update (window 10), loading anki cause this giant sync button to appear for me. it goes away after restart tho

There is a massive sync button on my anki on the desktop version. It is taking up most of the real estate on the window and leaving little space for what is important, ie my decks. I haven’t found an option to disable this feature anywhere.

This feature should be REMOVED as it is UGLY and it is USELESS!! There already is a sync button at the top and I want to see my lists.

It’s not a feature, it’s a bug.

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Thanks, I thought the developer consciously decided this would be a good feature. I did play with the user interface size in the preferences and when I opened Anki again the button was gone.

Perhaps someone could go in there and clean up the code