Browser: show how many cards I suspended today

Please, include the number of suspended cards in the today stats page.

My usecase:

As a goal, I have a minimal number of cards that I want to see each day. I usually do more than that, but this is a goal that I know I can accomplish no matter what is happening in my life. For me, having this goal is important to help me build the habit of using Anki.
But, I also want to count the cards that I suspend, because I use premade decks, so, sometimes, I need to suspend a lot of cards each day (I suspend for multiple reasons, and my system is even better now that we have new flags. Thanks for including new flags!). And the proportion of suspended cards vary a lot depending on the deck, the amount of reviews that I had that day, etc. So, if I don’t count the suspended cards, it is impossible to keep a stable metric. For example, this week, I was 10 cards short of my goal, but I got dozens of cards that I had to suspend, so I just gave up (for the first time in weeks) being 5 cards short.

TL;DR: if the user uses premade decks, it’s too difficult to have goals without counting suspended cards.
