Since the new updates (i don’t know exactly which, as i jumped from 2.1.35 to 2.1.43) anki browser searching worsened a lot IMO, from a practicle point of view.
I’m talking about adding " "
around every word, and AND
between every word. It’s so confusing and awkward to edit a search that it’s often better to write it again.
For example if i search for
a b c d e
now i get
"a" AND "b" AND "c" AND "d" AND "e"
so if i made an error and i want to search instead for a b c g e now i have to carefully select only the d, without deleting a "
because otherwise i’ll give me an error.
And this is with really searches like a b c d e, let alone more complex one… i mean it should get easier to use anki with new updates, not harder right?
For example
deck:words ((a b c d e) or (a b d f g)) is:due
that is a bit more complex but still crispy clear became
"deck:words" AND (("a" AND "b" AND "c" AND "d" AND "e") OR ("a" AND "b" AND "d" AND "f" AND "g")) AND "is:due"
I mean, just by looking at it it’s impossible to understand what is written between all those AND and " " without carefully analyzing every single word
PS. also complex searches became slower too, i don’t know if it’s related.