<span id='front'>
<p class='question'>{{Question}}
<p id='a'>a.   </p>
<p id='b'>b.   </p>
<p id='c'>c.   </p>
<p id='d'>d.   </p>
function getChoices() {
// *** Modify based on the number of choice fields in the card ***
return ["{{text:Answer1}}", "{{text:Distractor2}}", "{{text:Distractor3}}", "{{text:Distractor4}}"];
function getAnswers() {
// *** Modify based on the number of correct choice fields in the card ***
return ["{{text:Answer1}}"];
function getChoiceIds() {
// *** Modify based on the number of choice fields in the card ***
// *** If you want to change the display on cards from a, b, c, d to 1, 2, 3, 4 or A, B, C, D, then just modify the HTML
// *** ex: <p id='A'>A.</span></p> and return ['A','B','C','D'];
return ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
function getSpecialCharacterArray() {
return [ '[[', ']]' ];
function getReplacementSpecialCharacterArray() {
return [ '<', '>' ];
function replaceSpecialCharacters(array) {
var sc = getSpecialCharacterArray();
var rc = getReplacementSpecialCharacterArray();
var str = '';
var n = -1; var pos = 0;
// loop through all the choices
for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
// get a choice entry from the array
str = array[i];
// search for all the special characters to replace in the choice string
for (var j=0; j<sc.length; j++) {
str = str.split(sc[j]).join(rc[j]);
} // end-for j
array[i] = str;
} // end-for i
// ************************************ DO NOT MODIFY *******************************************
function DummyStore() {
var instance;
return instance =
{ store: {}
, setItem: function (key, val) {[key] = val;
return val;
, getItem: function (key, def) {
var val =[key];
return val == null ? def : val;
, tryItem: function (key, val) {
var curr = instance.getItem(key, undefined);
return curr == null ? instance.setItem(key, val) : curr;
, clear: function () { = {};
function PyStore(py) { = || {};
var instance;
return instance =
{ setItem: function (key, val) {[key] = val;
return val;
, getItem: function (key, def) {
var val =[key];
return val == null ? def : val;
, tryItem: function (key, val) {
var curr = instance.getItem(key, undefined);
return curr == null ? instance.setItem(key, val) : curr;
, clear: function () { = {};
function SessionStore(sessionStorage) {
var instance;
return instance =
{ setItem: function (key, val) {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, val);
return val;
, getItem: function (key, def) {
var val = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
return val == null ? def : val;
, tryItem: function (key, val) {
var curr = instance.getItem(key, undefined);
return curr == null ? instance.setItem(key, val) : curr;
, clear: function () {
function persist(cb) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
// Determine whether to use Anki's Bridge object (Desktop) or sessionStorage (AnkiDroid) to store data across sides.
store = typeof(py) !== "undefined"
? PyStore(py)
: typeof(sessionStorage) !== "undefined"
? SessionStore(sessionStorage)
: DummyStore();
if (!document.getElementById('answer')) {
}, 0); //Execute after Anki has loaded its Bridge object.
function shuffleArray(array){
for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--){
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
array.push("-"); // placeholder for the answer string
// ** Card logic
function run(store) {
// get the choices field values from the card
var choices = getChoices();
shuffleArray(choices); // note: last entry in array holds answer string to be displayed
// choice identification
var id = getChoiceIds();
// determine the choice id(s) for answer(s)
var answers = getAnswers();
// generate a string with choice id(s)
var answer_str = '';
for (var i=0; i<choices.length-1; i++) {
// loop through the correct answers (depending on the card type there may be more than one correct answer)
for (var j=0; j<answers.length; j++) {
if (choices[i] == answers[j])
answer_str = answer_str + id[i] + ", ";
// store answer string at the end of the choice array
answer_str = answer_str.slice(0, answer_str.length-2);
choices[choices.length-1] = answer_str;
// convert choices array to a JSON string to be stored
var json_str = JSON.stringify(choices);
// persist the choices order and correct answers
var json_data = store.tryItem("json_data", json_str);
// get the array back from storage (so data can be displayed on both sides of the card)
var stored_data = JSON.parse(json_data);
// modify the card output to display the randomized choices
if (document.getElementById("front")) {
for (var i=0; i<stored_data.length-1; i++) {
document.getElementById(id[i]).innerHTML = document.getElementById(id[i]).innerHTML+ stored_data[i];
if (document.getElementById("back")) {
document.getElementById("bans").innerHTML = document.getElementById("bans").innerHTML.replace("%ANSWER%", stored_data[stored_data.length-1]);
<span id='back'>
<hr id='answer'>
<p id='bans' class='ans'>Resposta: %ANSWER%</p>
{{#Explanation (optional)}}
<span class='exp'>
{{Explanation (optional)}}
{{/Explanation (optional)}}
<p class='tag'>