Blank Deck Options / TypeError: Failed to fetch

Whenever trying to change deck options only blank page shows up, after several seconds the following error is shown:

AnkiDroid Version = 2.18.0 (464cf290cc77c3f2c562cb03b408b78a13be261b)

Backend Version = 0.1.38-anki24.04.1 (24.04.1 ccd9ca1a8309b80bcb50ddc5d99c7ce63440bce9)

Android Version = 11 (SDK 30)

ProductFlavor = play

Manufacturer = Xiaomi

Model = Redmi Note 8 Pro

Hardware = mt6785

Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; Redmi Note 8 Pro Build/RP1A.200720.011; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/124.0.6367.179 Mobile Safari/537.36

ACRA UUID = b98dc227-c503-4231-afb9-201c0185dcdc

FSRS Enabled = false

Crash Reports Enabled = true

This was reported even before.

It probably needs to be in the issue tracker in GitHub.

I agree. With both of you using Xiaomi phones, and this not being more widely reported, a bug report is probably the best next step. Perhaps you can connect with @PaingPaing to see if it’s really the same issue for both of you?

AnkiDroid New Issues [I would ordinarily suggest you search the open Issues there first, but I just gave it a look at I don’t see anything that looks like a match.]

Try to create a new preset (not clone).

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