Black screen - tried all solutions and it's still not working

About Anki 2.1.15, since everything worked fine before, try:

  • to start Anki with -b option and specify a new folder, e.g. "C:\Program Files\Anki\anki.exe" -b "C:\AnkiDataFolder"

  • Open %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Anki in the Windows Explorer and remove everything from it. It should contain cache and QtWebEngine folders.

    It can be opened with Win+R or press Ctrl+L in the Windows Explorer to edit the addres bar, or click on it.

About Anki 2.1.35-standard, assuming you’re on Windows 7 SP1, try to follow “Install problems” on and

try manually installing this update and then this update.

If it won’t help, install Windows x86-64 executable installer from Python Releases for Windows | and check “Add Python 3.8 to PATH” during the installation process and then try to open Anki again.

If it won’t help, try to run Anki from wheel.

If you want to run Anki from a local Python installation but don’t want
to make changes to the source code, you can install pre-built packages from PyPI.

$ python -m venv pyenv
$ pyenv/bin/pip install aqt anki ankirspy pyqt5 pyqtwebengine
$ pyenv/bin/python -c 'import aqt;'

On Windows replace pyenv/bin/ with pyenv\Scripts\ and replace ' with ", i.e.

python -m venv pyenv
pyenv\Scripts\pip install aqt anki ankirspy pyqt5 pyqtwebengine
pyenv\Scripts\python -c "import aqt;"

It might take about 15 minutes.

And maybe try to reinstall or update your graphics card driver.