tldr: is it possible for cards to get deleted automatically? are they recoverable?
Recently started studying my Portuguese deck and surprised to see there are only 400 cards created. In 2020, I spent the better part of 3 months creating cards and I always start a language with the top 500 words.
My last backup on my computer, 2022, shows a file size of 330mb. Today the backup file size is only 295mb. Prior backups have only increased in file size. Is this proof that cards were deleted?
I got an email a year ago saying that things will get deleted if I don’t login and use the system. That email was marked read. Thus, I logged in and synced.
I’m confused.
I don’t know which or if anything was deleted though I’m nearly certain they were as I show ~6700 cards now while in the past I’m nearly certain I had something like 11-13k cards.
I noticed when downloading the backup today there is a box to include older and larger files. If I didn’t click it in the past, do I lose cards older than a certain date?
How can I verify if something was deleted? And what? And can I get it back?
Like many of you I’ve poured hundreds of hours into this app.
Can I combine my deck from 2022 with my current deck?
Thanks so much.