Backup error - saving decks to a hard drive

I try to back up my anki as often as possible and i was doing that today. When i saved to file to my computer, the first save i made was very small and i was worried that some of my card had been delelted. Then i saved my decks again and it was back up to the expected size.
Should i be concerned that the size dropped when i saved it the first time and then was restored?

I was also wondering, how much (KB) should a deck increase when you dont add anything to it but use the cards? could this change teh size of the deck file adn by how much?

I don’t think while reviewing the deck will affect the size deck. But you should be patient while actually backing up your deck to your external drive.

What “were you doing” while backing up?

How are you making the backup?

[Do you know that Anki is making regular backups of your collection (without media) already? So you could also just copy one of those. Backups - Anki Manual ]

Of course it does. Adding review history to the database increases the size of your database. For example, I have a 19,000-note collection with 87,000-reviews – without review history it exports to a 3.7MB apkg (compressed size, without media), with review history, it is 7.3MB – almost double the size.

Using my numbers, that’s roughly 40 bytes per review log. Which seems about right when you look at what is actually written to the database for each review. It will eventually add up, but it’s in tiny droplets.


I have a thought it’s only the deck itself without any history of studying at all. But didn’t know it could add to it

If you use Anki Desktop, you can use Note Size addon to explore your notes and collection sizes

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Thanks for your reply.
I’m exporting the file onto a hard drive
I think it may have been possible that Anki just made a mistake the first time when it seemed to be a low size for my whole collection and then correcdted itself on the second backup that i made. I was just wondering if i should be concerned about it or if anki has deleted somthing by accident?

Shot in the dark here, but do you have any notes using Latex?

Do you choose File > Export in the main window, or Notes > Export Notes in the Browse window? What are you selecting in the “Include” dropdown? What checkboxes are you ticking/unticking? All of those things go into determining exactly what gets exported, and different options will frequently result in different sized files.

If you haven’t seen any indication that something is missing when you’re using Anki, I wouldn’t take one export as a sign that something has gone wrong. And again – you’ve got dozens of backups on your hard drive already, even without the one that you’re making.

I’m not sure sorry

I do the first option.
i tick all the boxes in the drop menu
i do also do that for each of my backups so they should be the same size i guess

The most likely explanation is that you selected something different in the drop down or the checkboxes – a slip of the mouse, an oversight, no big deal. But if you’re really curious about what was different, you can import that file into another temporary profile and take a look at it.

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Thanks so much this was helpful

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