I find that Anki picks up the words I write with my Apple Pencil really well however when I try to circle a word, delete it (by scribbling it out), or split two letters apart (by drawing a line down between them), the orientation is terrible! It highlights/deletes/splits words to the left of where I’ve attempted to and generally just glitches. I have checked that my ipad/pencil is not the problem by trying out the same functions on different apps and they all work perfectly fine. Was wondering if anyone else has had the same issue? And if there a way to fix it?
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I suspect this is an iOS bug, as this functionality is provided by iOS rather than AnkiMobile itself. Are you able to break it down into a minimum number of strokes required to reliably trigger the problem? With a test case, I can do some experiments to see whether changes on AnkiMobile’s end will help work around the issue or not.
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