Anyone aware of any sources from where I can create mnemonics

I’ve found several sources that can convert a bunch of words into sentences as a mnemonic.
But I am specifically looking for any website that can create word/words using the letters in order.
For example, this set of words
Apple, Watermelon, Orange, Sugar, Computer
should be expressed in this way

  • law oscar
  • pray with mosco
  • a white ostrich

Essentially, the sequence of letters must be preserved. The word/words need to have the given letters only that number of times that is given to it. Rest of the letters can repeat as much time as needed to create meaningful word/words.
I’ll just submit a sequnce of letter and I would need words from them.

Any clue where I can find some website that does this? I tried on some places
like Word Unscrambler - Unscramble Scrabble® & WWF Words - Word Finder, but it doesn’t preserves the letter order.
I though chatgpt could help here but that didn’t work either.
Any tips on how this can be done?

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Looking at your examples, I suppose I could see how “law oscar” could be useful for AWOSC – but I’m not sure about those others. What’s the use of a mnemonic where you’re using random letters from the words? Even if you could remember the mnemonic, how would you know what to remember from it?

The Mnemonic Generator add-on is fairly new, but it’s been well-received. It focuses on the traditional “initials” type – so you’ll know where to look in the word. But I don’t believe it attempts to preserve the order.


Yeah, I agree the other two examples aren’t great enough.
Haha, just further emphasizes that it’s rather hard to think of small words which can have all the letters.

But what I’m hoping to find is a list of 10-12 mnemonics for the given set of letters out of which I can select the one which is easiest to remember and recall.

I’ll check the addon you suggested.

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Maybe you could use AI to generate images that relate to a topic.

Here’s a blog post life update of a 17+ years SRS user (SuperMemo/Anki): Supermemo Adventures: Update June 2024 (Mother had stroke and MidJourney is really useful). In it, they talk about how they are using generative AI to create mnemonic images.


I tried this, but found giving the right prompts to be too time-consuming😔

If you use ChatGPT, you can create a template prompt and plug in additional information in chat. For example, “I’ll prompt you with what is X and you will have to generate an image of it” and then you can prompt it with “X is …” something like that. You can also ask the model to write a template prompt for you, that you can copy paste.

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Just a little clarification…
You are suggesting that if I create images of what I need to remember?

No, I just gave an example. I was talking about mnemonic images. The kind of absurd imagery helping you recall stuff.


Although it does not generate cards, this my add-on can auto send prompts to ChatGpt, Gemini, and Bing while reviewing, so if you set prompts to buttons, you can auto generate mnemonics while reviewing them.

Thank you.
I’ll check

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Does it work? I’d have thought that mnemonic aids were very personal. I can think of a mnemonic story line to link those words, such that I remember them. But I’m not sure that the mnemonic story line that I create would be of any value to someone else.


This is a great response, because reflecting our own knowledge is better when is connected to something that is personal to us instead of something that is outside, especially with mnemonics. (I’ve got this from the book “Make It Stick”)

I’ve actually stumble upon this ( when I was young when I found this video of singing the quadratic formula, and suddenly it got into me because I know the nursery rhyme personally (forgot the song)

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It does work for me. Especially if I take into the consideration that creating mnemonics all by myself is very time-consuming.

Haha, I found about flashcards and mnemonics as a legitemate study tool from that book.

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