AnkiRestart🔂[Support Thread]

Cool add-on and really awesome presentation, @Shigeyuki ! :trophy:

I use the following AutoHotkey (v2) script to quickly restart Anki by pressing Win+N when Anki’s main window is active. When I press Control+Win+N the script also toggles night mode on or off before restarting. (For languages other than German the script would have to be modified slightly for this to work.)

#SingleInstance Force
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-

#HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe anki.exe")

#HotIf WinActive("- Anki")

#N:: ; Restart Anki with the same profile by pressing Win+N when the Anki-window is active.
profile := RegExReplace(WinGetTitle("A"), " - Anki$")
path := WinGetProcessPath("A")
Send "!{F4}"
Run path ' -p "' profile '"'

^#N:: ; Restart Anki with the same profile by pressing Win+N when the Anki-window is active - but also toggle nightmode
profile := RegExReplace(WinGetTitle("A"), " - Anki$")
path := WinGetProcessPath("A")
Send "^p"
MouseClick("Left", 47, 74)
Send "{Tab 7}{Space}{Esc}"
Send "{Enter}"
Send "!{F4}"
Run path ' -p "' profile '"'


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