AnkiMobile Crashing on Startup

I recently purchased the iPhone app, however whenever I try to open the app I only briefly see the Anki logo before the app crashes.

I am attempting to use the app on an iPhone 12 running iOS 16.0. I have plenty of storage space, so I don’t believe that to be the issue.

Anyone know of any fixes?

Which app did you download (link please)? There is no Anki logo prominently displayed in the official app. There are plenty of rip-off apps using the name however.

This is the app. I see what you mean regarding the Anki logo not being displayed in the app. It seems that it is just Apple displaying the logo since the contents are not loading.

Has it been crashing since you first installed it, or did the problem develop after some time?

If you don’t have your cards stored on any other devices yet, you may be able to recover them from an automatic backup, which can be accessed outside of the app (ignore the ‘export to iTunes’ step):

Once you’ve backed up your data, please try removing the app (which will delete all data it was storing), and then install it again. Does that fix the problem? If not, does your device have plenty of free disk space? Does restarting your device help?

Thank you for all the suggestions. As it turns out, the error was in my phone not being up to date with the latest iOS. Updating from 16 to 16.7.2 fixed the issue.


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