When I click again on about 5 cards it used to redo those 5 cards until I click good then next set until I get them. Now it is showing me all my cards in one like I am going to remember that many cards ago.
But can someone help me fix this problem maybe I clicked on something that changed it.
The scheduler has changed, and it affected Sorting
Currently the sorting default is:
Due date, then random: The default option prioritizes cards that have been waiting longer, and it’s the recomended option when you are up to date, or when you only have a small backlog. If you have taken an extended break or have fallen behind in your reviews, you may want to consider changing the sort order temporarily.
Deck, then due date: This option will ensure reviews are shown for each subdeck in turn. This is generally not recommended, as having material appear consistently in the same order makes it easier to guess the answer based on context, and may lead to weaker memories.
Ascending intervals: This will ensure cards with shorter intervals are shown first.
The display order does not affect intraday learning cards. They are shown when they become due, so either your first learning step is too long, or you already had a backlog of red cards to get through.
I’m surprised you’ve seen a change lately, because that looks like you are using a pre-2.17 version, and you haven’t enabled the new backend, so you still have the v2 scheduler. [When you update to 2.17 (rolling out now), you’ll have that by default. If you want to start using those options now – Settings > Advanced > enable new backend, and v3 scheduler.]
Other things that might cause this difference –
Changing your Learn-Ahead limit
Changing your Learning steps
Carrying a backlog of cards in learning [as dae mentioned]