Anki scheduling and due dates messed up

Very new to Anki.
So I downloaded the exam notifier add on, deadline add on and used the set due date function already in Anki. I have deleted all the addons but this problem still persists. Why is all the scheduling messed up, for example, for this deck, it isn’t showing me the new cards and the cards I am learning. Although mature cards are accurate. And it is not showing me future reviews.

Did you use “Set Due Date” (Browsing - Anki Manual) on your New cards and Learn cards? That converts them to Review cards, so they won’t be available to be added as New and go through the learning steps. (See that 0% New/Learning/Relearning in your Stats pie-chart?)

It also looks like you set all of your cards to be due today, which doesn’t make much sense. You don’t need to mess with intervals and due dates to study the cards you want. If you want extra study on cards outside of their normal scheduling, you can use a Filtered deck. Filtered Decks - Anki Manual

  • If you want to roll-back changes you’ve made just now (and haven’t closed or synced since then) – Edit > Undo [Ctrl Z] the change. [If you select it from the menu Anki will describe which change it is reversing with each click (useful when you can’t see it happening!).]
  • If you want to roll-back changes made longer ago than that – Restore from an automatic or manual backup, Restoring an Automatic Backup (Recovering from Data Loss) - Frequently Asked Questions .
    • If you just want to grab one thing from a backup (like the text of a template, or one deck out of many), you can minimize data loss by importing the backup into a brand new (temporary) profile, find what you’re looking for, copy/export it, and then delete that profile.
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Thank you so much for replying
So is there no way to fix this without backing up? It’s just that I have added loads more new cards since then, and backing up would loose all the data right?
I can’t somehow make it how it was before? Without loosing data of all the new cards I added, and the progress?

Or is there a way to import a backup while keeping the current backup?
Tank so much

That’s what my last bullet is about.

Thank you so much
I really appreciate it
I tried that? But am I doing something wrong?
The switch profile deck

The original deck

Should I just switch all my decks to a new profile?

No, it’s not a profile problem.

You are trying to get your collection back to an older state – before you made the error with Set Due Date. But I don’t know what other changes you made since then that you might need to do over again.

I can’t tell you what you’re doing wrong because I don’t know what you’ve done so far and I can’t tell what you’re posting picture of – those number are meaningless to me without any context.

You have 2 options –

Option 1 – find the most recent backup from before you did the Set Due Date – restore it – deal with losing anything else that’s changed in your collection since then.

Option 2 – find the most recent backup from before you did the Set Due Date – import it into a temporary profile – find the deck you made the error on – export it as an apkg – return to your original profile – delete the deck you made the error on – import the apkg pre-error copy of the deck.

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Thank you so much I understand
Basically I think I tried option 2.
I exported the deck from original profile
Then made a new profile
Then imported the deck into new profile
Then deleted deck from original profile
Then imported deck from temporary profile to original profile.
However, the deck still has the same scheduling issue. In addition, my progress wasn’t saved.
It’s okay If it can’t be fixed.
I guess I’ll continue using it as it is, although it is less effective. Or just import all decks into new profile and start from scratch
Thank you so much for your help though
I really appreciate it.

I exported the deck from original profile
Then made a new profile
Then imported the deck into new profile
Then deleted deck from original profile

I assume that was all just to make a copy of what you have now – that’s fine.

Then imported deck from temporary profile to original profile.

Is this the version of the deck you restored from the backup?

However, the deck still has the same scheduling issue.

That means uou didn’t go back far enough in your backups. When you restore the backup into your temporary profile, check this deck to make sure you found one without the issue. If not, go to the next earlier backup.

In addition, my progress wasn’t saved.

Correct. You’re going to lose anything you’ve done in this deck between that backup and now.

Or just import all decks into new profile and start from scratch

I don’t think that will fix anything for you.

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